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240903 LDN1251 Angler Fish Nebula - RASDA36 RGGB RGGB (true color) image, ASI6200MC PRO, 12.6h integration time (out of 16.1h), good to very good seeing (1.2"-1.5"), moon under the horizion. 03.09.2024, 23:21:52
240830 LDN1005 Northern Coal Sack - RASA36 RGGB RGGB (color) image, ASI 6200MM PRO, 18.3h integration time (from 22h selected), last moon quarter. 31.08.2024, 09:38:54
240825 SH2-142 Wizard Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, Chroma 3nm filter, 15.8h integration time (2021 and 2024), mostly good seeing (1.2"-1.5"). 01.09.2024, 13:11:03
240824 SH2-54 Scary Face Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO Narrow band image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.5h integration time, good seeing (1.2"-1.5"), 75% moon. 25.08.2024, 16:16:59
240817 SH2-119 Clamshell Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGB HGO (Halpha-green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 6.9h integration time (ca. 60% from 2 nights used), mostly good seeing (1.3-1.5"). some clouds, bright moon. 18.08.2024, 15:14:31
240815 M16 Pillars of Creation - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO Hubble 3 narrow band image (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 3.3h integration time (from 4.0h), very good seeing (1.2"), clear sky, 80% strong moon. 24.08.2024, 11:15:46
240812 LDN1235 Shark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 6.6h integrated (two nights). Exposure time 1 min, 398 subs. Quarter moon (was down), good to mediocre conditions (1.3"-1.8" seeing), high clouds, strong gradients to remove. 12.08.2024, 18:45:04
240811 LDN1218 Hand Skeleton Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGG RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO color camera (no filter), 5,2h (one clear night) integrated. Exposure time was 1 min, 311 subs used. Quarter moon (was down), good conditions (up to 21,38 mags darkness), good to medium seeing (1,3"-1,7"), some gradients to remove. 11.08.2024, 17:32:18
240809 LDN988 and NGC7031 - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 3,5h integrated. Exposure time 1 min, 212 subs. Quarter moon (was down), good conditions (up to 21,43mags darkness), no clouds, some gradients to remove. 09.08.2024, 16:14:04
240807 NGC225 and vdB4 Sailboat Cluster - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO, 26.7h aquired, 48% finally integrated (12.9h). subs exposure time 1 min, 775 subs (of 1605) used. New moon, difficult atmosperic conditions with strong gradients humidity and clouds. 08.08.2024, 14:58:00
240730 IC5146 Cocoon Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGB HGB (Halpha-Green-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 7.0h integration time, good seeing, low moon 25.08.2024, 13:13:45
240729 SH2-45 Swan Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO narrowband image (3nm Chroma), Hubble 3 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 3,3h integration time in 2 nights, good to excellent seeing (very low object). 29.07.2024, 23:10:36
240729 M34 open Star Cluster - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 21 min integration time, half moon, good seeing (1.4"). 31.07.2024, 11:18:11
240718 WR128 Supernova remnannt - CDK17 reduced HGO HGB (Halpha-Green-OII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 15,9h integration time (from 27h exposition time, 59% used). changing seeing (1.0-1.8", clouds, new moon to half moon, 6 nights. 28.07.2024, 18:35:08
240702 Omicron Cygni Filamentary Nebula - CDK17 HSO HSO image, Hubble 3 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 18.1h integration time (of 23.5h), good to excellent seeing, half moon. 03.07.2024, 12:10:33
240624 B144 Fish on the platter nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO image, Hubble 4 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, 8.6h integration time (from 12h exposure), very good-medium seeing (1.2"-1.6") in 5 nights, full moon. 25.06.2024, 07:54:53
240617 WR134 Supernove Remnant - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO image, Hubble 4 palette (modified), ASI6200MM PRO, good-medium seeing (1.4"-1.6") 17.06.2024, 22:06:49
240525 M51 Whirlpool Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.4h integration time, 4 nights (18.4h exposed, only 1/4 used), good to mediocre seeing (1.3"-1.8"), full moon. 25.05.2024, 22:41:00
240517 Half Moon in Red Light - CDK17 reduced R Red Filter, ASI6200MM PRO, 20ms exposure time at f/4.5, Gain 100, selected from 550 subs. Good seeing. 17.05.2024, 20:36:35
240514 NGC5033 Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 7.7h integration time, 2 nights, good to medium seeing (1.2"-1.6"), little moon. 15.05.2024, 00:15:25
240511 LBN552 fighting Dragons nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO cooled color camera, 12.1h integration time (723 subs from 3 nights), changing, but mostly good seeing (1.3-1.5"), massive gradients removed - caused by Northern Lights (class 5 sunflare), little moon light. 13.05.2024, 12:31:36
240511-001020 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1250 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240511-000712 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1250 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240510-235624 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1600 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240510-234408 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1600 11.05.2024, 19:35:27
240510-234001 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1600 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240510-233421 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 15 seconds exposure time at f/2.8, ISO 800 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240510-231518 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 8 seconds exposure time at f/1.8, ISO 1600 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240510-213707 Northern Light superflare in Germany - Sony A1 and FE14mm f1.8 lens True color image, Sony A1, FE 14mm f1.8, 0.5 seconds exposure time at f/2.5, ISO 3200 11.05.2024, 18:05:06
240506 LDN1228 Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO cooled color camera, 9.4h integration time (from 4 nights), changing, but sometimes good to very good seeing (1.2-1.5"), 40% images used, few cirrus clouds, almost new moon. 06.05.2024, 22:17:01
240504 NGC4214 Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 717h integration time, bad to medium seeing (1.5"-2.4"), only 40% of 383 subs could be integrated, little moon. 20.05.2024, 12:24:27
240501 NGC4889 Coma Cluster - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 8.5h integration time (4 nights, more than 50% subs removed), mediocre seeing and windy conditions (1.3"-2.5"). 01.05.2024, 21:40:34
240412 SH2-73 Integrated Flux Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO cooled color camera, 5.6h integration time, very good seeing (1.2-1.3"), no clouds, quarter moon up to midnight. 13.04.2024, 19:47:29
240412 LDN1311 Dark Nebula and Galactic Cirrus - RASA36 RGGB. RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO cooled color camera, 6.8h integration time, good to very good seeing (1.3-1.5"), few cirrus clouds, little moon. 12.04.2024, 21:57:36
240409 LDN1321 Dark Nebula - RASA36 RGGB RGGB image, ASI6200MC PRO cooled color camera, 4.8h integration time, mediocre seeing (1.6-2.5"), difficult conditions, dust, high clouds, new moon. 09.04.2024, 22:56:16
240407 16Bootis Arcturus in sandstorm - RASA36 RGGB Color camera image, ASI6200MC PRO, 20x 15" (5 min) integration time (from 34min). The sky was yellow of desert dust coming from the African Sahara. This caused the huge halo. 08.04.2024, 20:14:59
240403 NGC4656 Hockey Stick Galaxy - CDK17 reduced HLRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.8h integration time (13.6h aquired, a lot of subs removed), good to average seeing (1.3"-1.9") 06.04.2024, 13:43:41
240329 12P Pons-Brooks - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 32min integration time, mediocre to bad seeing and humid conditions (1.8""-2.5"), 29.03.2024, 22:44:35
240224 NGC3576 Statue of Liberty Nebula - CDK24 Chile remote HSO HSO image, Hubble 3 palette (modified), QHY600M, 11.3h integration time, excellent seeing. Data from the TL network, Chile 12.06.2024, 07:16:10
240308 NGC2024 Flame nebula - CDK24 SHO Spain remote SHO image, Hubble III paltette, QHY600M. 1.4h integration time, image from the TL network 27.05.2024, 20:22:38
240303 IC447 Reflection Nebula - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 8.1h integration time, average seeing and humid conditions (1.3""-1.9"), three nights, around half moon. 07.03.2024, 13:31:12
240228 M109 Barred Spiral Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 3.2h integration time (70% subs removed for better resolution), seeing 1.3"-1.6" good to medium. 16.05.2024, 14:19:49
240215 M78 - NGC2064 - NGC2071 Reflection Nebula - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.0h integration time, mediocre to bad seeing and humid conditions (1.8""-2.5"), 24.03.2024, 18:30:11
240215 M37 Open Star Cluster - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 11.6min integration time, bad seeing and windy conditions (1.5"-2.5"), lucky imaging with 416 subs and only a few of several hours used. Half moon. 28.02.2024, 18:47:28
240214 M82 Cigar Galaxy - CDK17 HLRGB HaLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.6h integration time (2nights, but 75% removed). very good to fair seeing (1.2"-1.6"). 14.02.2024, 19:46:57
240206 NGC4725 Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.4h integration time, mdiocre to bad seeing (1.6"-2.3"). No moon light, very dark. 06.02.2024, 21:32:20
240205 Barnard30 Dark Nebula - Euclid Space Telescope data HJY HJY data developed as RGB, camera type and eposition time NN 15.06.2024, 22:55:21
240129 SH2-206 Fossil Foot Nebula - RASA36 HSO HSO Narrowband image, modified Hubble VI palette, ASI6200MM PRO, 8.2h integration time (490 subs selected), excellent to very good seeing (1.0"-1.2"). 04.02.2024, 17:46:26
240127 SH2-229 Flame Nebula - CDK17 reduced HSO HSO Narrowband image, modified Hubble II palette, ASI6200MM PRO, 5.0h integration time, full moon (!), excellent to very good seeing (0.95"-1.1"). 28.01.2024, 16:10:41
240111 M67 Open Star Cluster - RASA36 RGB RG image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.6h integration time, strong moonlight, mediocre seeing (1.3"-1.8"). 03.02.2024, 19:54:54
240110 IC2118 Witch head Nebula - RASA36 RGB 2x1 mosaic LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 11.7h integration time, very good seeing (1.2"-1.3"). Strong moonlight, a lot of gradients to remove. 31.01.2024, 20:15:32
240110 Comet 62P Tsuchinshan - RASA36 G Green filter, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.4h integration time, comet realistically colorized (monochrome image), medium-good seeing, situation at 24-Jan-2024. 16.01.2024, 12:05:39
240106 NGC1999 Cosmic Waterfall - CDK24 HSO Chile remote HSO Narrowband image, my own palette to taste, QHY600M, 4.9h integration time, very good seeing, Chile remote telescope from TL-network. 12.02.2024, 15:13:07
240105 NGC3521 Galaxy - CDK24 LRGB Chile remote LRGB image, QHY600M, 7.3h integration time (20% subs removed), excellent seeing, images from the TL network. 27.01.2024, 17:24:56
231231 M45 The Plejades and Meropes Ghost - CDK17 reduced LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 2.2h integration time, 80% moon, thin hight clouds, mediocre seeing (1.3"-1.8"). 01.01.2024, 14:39:58
231225 NGC2264 Cone-Christmas Cluster region - Takahashi FSQ-106ED HSO Spain remote HSO Narrowband image, Hubble IV palette, QHY600M, 11.8h integration time, very good seeing, Spain remote telescope from TL-network. 25.01.2024, 22:09:19
231223 RCW19 Molecular Cloud - CDK24 HSO Chile remote LRGB image, QHY600M, 2.6h integration time, mediocre seeing, data from the TL-network Chile remote. 02.01.2024, 14:40:55
231219 NGC3198 Barred Spiral Galaxy - CDK17 reduced LRGB LRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 1.8h integration time, very good to good seeing (1.2"-1.4"). 26.12.2023, 13:55:51
231118 SH2-204 Brontosaurus Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (H-alpha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 9.3hr integration time (786 subs), very faint object, good seeing (average 1.4"). 12.01.2024, 10:52:19
231019 LBN437 The Gecko Nebula - RASA36 HYB HYB (Ha-Yellow-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 11.7h integration time in 3 nights. Good, sometimes very good seeing (1.2"-1.4"). 10.11.2023, 21:55:41
231016 LBN420 The Shed Skin Nebula - RASA36 HIRGB HIRGB (Halpha-Infrared-Red-Green-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 14.2h integration time, moon 20%, very good to excellent seeing (1.0"-1.3"). 30.10.2023, 10:46:55
231014 NGC1313 Topsy Turvy Galaxy - Chile CDK24 LRGB.tiff LRGB image, QHY600M, 61 subs with 300s (5.1h exposition time), Chile remote Telescope. 15.11.2023, 20:57:22
231010 Unnamed Nebulosity in Kepheus - CDK17 HGB HGB (Hydrogen-Green-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 12.11.2023, 20:19:21
231007 Large Magellanic Cloud - Takahashi FSQ-106ED 4x2 mosaic Australia remote HSO HSO narrowband image, Hubble III palette (modified, SII with Luminance enhanced, star colors calibrated), QHY600M and 4x2 mosaic (1.64TB original file size), 30.4h integration time, very good seeing, Australia remote telescope from TL-network. 08.03.2024, 15:00:39
231006 M33 Triangulum Galaxy - CDK17 HLRGB HLRGB image, ASI6200MM PRO, 5.0h integration time, exeptional good seeing (1.0-1.3"). 17.10.2023, 01:01:59
231004 SH2-132 The Lion Nebula - CDK17 HGO HGO (Halpha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 9.0h integration time (around 70% subs are used here), Very good to fair seeing (1.2"-1.5"). 31.10.2023, 17:24:21
231004 LDN1283 The Phantom Nebula - CDK17 HGO HGO (Halpha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, only 1.8h integration time (around 70% subs are used here), Very good to fair seeing (1.2"-1.5"). 19.11.2023, 21:09:03
230930 NGC7635 The Bubble Nebula - CDK17 reduced IHO IHO (Infrared-Halpha-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 7.9h integration time (55% of the subs used). Hubble II Palette. Excellent seeing (1.0"-1.2"). 23.10.2023, 20:04:44
230927 SH2-157 Lobster Nebula - RASA36 IHO Widefield - RASA36 IHO IHO (Infrared-Halpha-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 12.2h integration time. Excellent seeing (1.0"-1.2"). 29.10.2023, 14:37:51
230927 SH2-157 Lobster Nebula - CDK17 reduced HGO HGO (Halpha-Green-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 12.8h integration time (around 60% subs are used here), 58% Moon, good to fair seein (1.3-1.5"). 24.10.2023, 11:38:55
230926 SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula - RASA36 HYB HYB (Ha-Yellow-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 13.0h integration time, good, somtimes very seeing (1.2"-1.4"). 21.10.2023, 21:40:53
230926 SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula - RASA36 H HYB (Ha-Yellow-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 13.0h integration time, cropped to 50% and turned 90° anticlockwise. Good, sometimes very seeing (1.2"-1.4"). 22.10.2023, 19:32:23
230925 Northern Lights, Milky Way and Jupiter over Bavaria/Southern Germany Rare Opportunity to see Northern Lights at 48° Latitude, single Image take from my Allsy camera Sony A7S. 25.09.2023, 11:12:26
230922 Abell85 Popped Ballon Nebula Supernova Remnant - RAS36 IHO IHO (Infrared-Halpha-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 23.5h integration time. Stars are removed to show the faint structures. Excellent seeing (1.1"-1.3") but very low object. 20.10.2023, 20:24:58
230921 NGC6914 Reflection Nebulae in Cygnus Cloud - RASA36 HYB.tiff HYB (Ha-Yellow-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 4.9h integration time, good to medium seeing (1.3"-1.5"). 18.10.2023, 10:56:15
230916 SH2-136 The Spooky Nebula - RASA36 IRGB IRGB (Infrared Red Green Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 25.2h integration time from 4 clear nights, good to fair seeing (1.4"-1.6"). 17.10.2023, 20:34:27
230912 LDN1082 The Seahorse Nebula - RASA36 IRGB IRGB (Infrared Red Green Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 23.6h integration time from 4 clear nights, very good to good seeing (1.2"-1.5"). 16.09.2023, 15:18:07
230909 SH2-150 with VdB154 Reflection Nebula - RASA36 HGB HGB (Halpha-Green-Blue) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 11.0h integration time, good seeing (1.2"-1.4"), new moon. 16.09.2023, 15:44:25
230906 SH2-155 Cave Nebula - RASA36 YHO YHO (Yellow Halpha OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 13.6h integration time in 2 clear nights, half moon, very good to good seeing (1,1"-1.4"). 13.09.2023, 23:15:06
230905 SH2-142 Wizard Nebula - RASA36 IHO IHO (Infrared-Halpha-OIII) image, ASI6200MM PRO, 13.7h integration time (selected from 2 nights), good seeing (1.2"-1.5"). Around 50% moon. 12.09.2023, 12:33:53